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4imprint employee Brian

with 4imprint
29 years

Seed Packets

These custom printed seed packets, matchbooks and stakes are fun, low-cost ways to spread some goodwill and green plants! Choose from a wide variety of vegetable, herb and flower seed products, all with your custom imprint!

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124 Product(s) Found

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Items 1 - 50 of 124

List of Products

Theme Seed Packet - Breast Cancer Awareness

Theme Seed Packet - Breast Cancer Awareness

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #132686-BCA

Standard Series Seed Packet - Texas Bluebonnet

Standard Series Seed Packet - Texas Bluebonnet

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-TB

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars


Watercolor Seed Packet - Sunflower

Watercolor Seed Packet - Sunflower

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #159365-SF

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars


Impression Series Seed Packet - Butterfly Garden

Impression Series Seed Packet - Butterfly Garden

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #18041-BG

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars


Watercolor Seed Packet - Butterfly Garden

Watercolor Seed Packet - Butterfly Garden

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #159365-BG

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Impression Series Seed Packet - Forget Me Not

Impression Series Seed Packet - Forget Me Not

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #18041-FMN

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Cartoon Seed Packet - Tomato

Cartoon Seed Packet - Tomato

Prices from $0.25 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #132685-TOM

Seed Matchbook - Lavender - 24 hr

Seed Matchbook - Lavender - 24 hr

Prices from $1.15 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #156882-L-24HR

Standard Series Seed Packet - Shasta Daisy

Standard Series Seed Packet - Shasta Daisy

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-SD

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Watercolor Seed Packet - Wildflower Mix

Watercolor Seed Packet - Wildflower Mix

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #159365-WM

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Wildflower Mix

Standard Series Seed Packet - Wildflower Mix

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-WM

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Sunflower

Standard Series Seed Packet - Sunflower

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-SF

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Black-Eyed Susan

Standard Series Seed Packet - Black-Eyed Susan

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-BES

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars


Say It With Seeds Packet - Flowers

Say It With Seeds Packet - Flowers

Prices from $0.68 to $1.35

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #132113-FL

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Honey Bee Mix

Standard Series Seed Packet - Honey Bee Mix

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-HBM

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Monarch Butterfly Garden Mix

Standard Series Seed Packet - Monarch Butterfly Garden Mix

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-MBGM

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - California Poppy

Standard Series Seed Packet - California Poppy

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-POP

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Giant Zinnia

Standard Series Seed Packet - Giant Zinnia

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-GZ

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars


Impression Series Seed Packet - Wildflower Mix

Impression Series Seed Packet - Wildflower Mix

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #18041-WM

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Theme Seed Packet - Grow With Us

Theme Seed Packet - Grow With Us

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #132686-GWU

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Antique Series Seed Packet - Pansy

Antique Series Seed Packet - Pansy

Prices from $0.25 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #125769-PSY

Impression Series Seed Packet - Texas Bluebonnet

Impression Series Seed Packet - Texas Bluebonnet

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #18041-TB

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Watercolor Seed Packet - Herb Mix

Watercolor Seed Packet - Herb Mix

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #159365-HM

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars


Watercolor Seed Packet - Forget-Me-Not

Watercolor Seed Packet - Forget-Me-Not

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #159365-FMN

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Sweet Basil

Standard Series Seed Packet - Sweet Basil

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-SB

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Cartoon Seed Packet - Sunflower

Cartoon Seed Packet - Sunflower

Prices from $0.25 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #132685-SF

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars


Seed Matchbook - Basil

Seed Matchbook - Basil

Prices from $0.82 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #156882-B

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Impression Series Seed Packet - Marigold

Impression Series Seed Packet - Marigold

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #18041-MG

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Watercolor Seed Packet - Shasta Daisy

Watercolor Seed Packet - Shasta Daisy

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #159365-SD

Standard Series Seed Packet - Forget Me Not

Standard Series Seed Packet - Forget Me Not

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-FMN

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Watercolor Seed Packet - Sweet Basil

Watercolor Seed Packet - Sweet Basil

Prices from $0.32 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #159365-SB

Impression Series Seed Packet - Gourmet Herb Blend

Impression Series Seed Packet - Gourmet Herb Blend

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #18041-GHB

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Seed Matchbook - Wildflower

Seed Matchbook - Wildflower

Prices from $0.82 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #156882-WF

Seed Matchbook - Butterfly Garden - 24 hr

Seed Matchbook - Butterfly Garden - 24 hr

Prices from $1.15 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #156882-BG-24HR

Cartoon Seed Packet - Pumpkin

Cartoon Seed Packet - Pumpkin

Prices from $0.25 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #132685-PK

Seed Matchbook - Pollinator - 24 hr

Seed Matchbook - Pollinator - 24 hr

Prices from $1.15 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #156882-POL-24HR

Say It With Seeds Packet - Herbs

Say It With Seeds Packet - Herbs

Prices from $0.68 to $1.35

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #132113-H

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Seed Matchbook - Lavender

Seed Matchbook - Lavender

Prices from $0.82 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #156882-L

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Seed Matchbook - Wildflower - 24 hr

Seed Matchbook - Wildflower - 24 hr

Prices from $1.15 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #156882-WF-24HR

Seed Matchbook - Tomato

Seed Matchbook - Tomato

Prices from $0.82 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #156882-TOM

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Seed Matchbook - Basil - 24 hr

Seed Matchbook - Basil - 24 hr

Prices from $1.15 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #156882-B-24HR

Antique Series Seed Packet - Cucumber

Antique Series Seed Packet - Cucumber

Prices from $0.25 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #125769-CU

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Butterfly Garden

Standard Series Seed Packet - Butterfly Garden

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-BG

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Parsley

Standard Series Seed Packet - Parsley

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-PA

Seed Matchbook - Butterfly Garden

Seed Matchbook - Butterfly Garden

Prices from $0.82 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #156882-BG

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Pet Grazing Garden

Standard Series Seed Packet - Pet Grazing Garden

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-PG

Standard Series Seed Packet - Lavender

Standard Series Seed Packet - Lavender

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-L

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Herb Mix

Standard Series Seed Packet - Herb Mix

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-HM

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars


Standard Series Seed Packet - Marigold

Standard Series Seed Packet - Marigold

Prices from $0.35 to $1.99

Order as few as 150

Ships within 10 days.*

Item #105863-MG

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Seed Matchbook - Pollinator

Seed Matchbook - Pollinator

Prices from $0.82 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #156882-POL

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars


Growing your business feels natural when you rely on appreciated promotional products as part of your marketing strategy. For instance, take our custom seed packets. These affordable giveaways cost a fraction of your marketing budget, but they can make a great impression on customers and employees. Shop our selection to see which plant varieties thrive in your area or are easy to grow for a unique giveaway at trade shows or in mailings.

A Garden Full

If your company or organization fosters an environmentally friendly culture, you should consider custom seed packets. These promotional seeds are incredibly affordable, especially when you buy them in bulk. Consider single-plant seed packets like flowers or herbs, or explore our garden varieties that combine several seed types to attract pollinators or mimic wild growth. Our in-house creative team can coordinate printing one side of the packets with your company name, logo or message while the other shows the plant species.

Planting the Seed

Whether you invest in promotional products to increase your name recognition or to thank customers and employees, you can find virtually anything you want at 4imprint. Many customers like the natural aspect of our custom seed packets because they are more interactive than other products. When those seeds grow and bloom, your clients or staff will know that they have your organization to thank for this little piece of nature.

Plant the seeds of success with these fun custom printed seed packets! Choose from a nice variety of flower, wildflower and herb seeds, all with your custom logo! They are easy to hand out and store, and make great direct-mail giveaways, too. Promote any green-thinking campaign or brighten anyone’s day with these practical promotional seed packets!

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